On 12/19/2010 05:17 AM, Dale wrote:

I don't know if the reset changed this or not but I did notice
> that the setting "connection type" was set to "on demand" again.
> I put it back to "always on" which is what I set it to once before.

That was the timeout thingy I mentioned earlier.  If you set it to
"always on" the timer should be disabled, and hence you don't need
to set the timer at all.

I can't recall if resetting my router erases *all* of such user
settings, but I think it does -- including the password, BTW,

I recently learned something interesting from an ATT support tech
(in India):  resetting (i.e. rebooting) the router by pushing the
little button with the end of a paperclip is *not* equivalent to
disconnecting/reconnecting the power and *then* pushing the reset

I.E. there is some state of the internal hardware that is not reset
by pushing the reset button on the router.  I had tried everything
I could think of *except* powering off the DLS modem and the router
at the same time, and then letting both power up again.  That fixed

I imagine these annoying quirks will differ between products, so
we all may need different bags of tricks to fix such problems.

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