The following lines creates an auditWorldFile.log log file which will
show packages requires by other packages, so theones you can safely


n=`wc -l /var/lib/portage/world|awk '{ print $1 }'`;
for i in `seq 1 $n`;do
        pkg=`cat /var/lib/portage/world|head -n$i|tail -n1`;
        echo -e "Packages depending on $pkg." >> /tmp/auditWorldFile.log
        equery d $pkg >> /tmp/auditWorldFile.log
        echo -e "" >> /tmp/auditWorldFile.log

2010/12/8 Johannes Kimmel <>:
> On 12/08/2010 12:23 PM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does anybody know about an easy method to remove all entries from
>> /var/lib/portage/world
>> which would have been pulled in anyway
>> even if they were not contained in world.
>> My current attempt would be to write a script
>> which executes emerge -vpc on each entry in world.
>> If it wouldn't be removed it's obsolete in world.
>> Unfortunately this has to be done in several rounds.
>> Many thanks for a hint,
>> Helmut.
> Hi,
> I wanted to add, that a minimal world in my opinion isn't always what you
> want. For example in the time I searched for a suitable window manager for
> me I did a lot of depclean these days and accidently removed the xserver.
> There was no harm done, but I figured, that my world file should contain all
> packages, that should never removed automatically unless I want to. This way
> there is a little less danger involved using depclean. So this type of work
> might only be done by hand.
> Johannes Kimmel

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