J. Roeleveld wrote:
On Wednesday 15 December 2010 12:39:27 Dale wrote:
Pintér Tibor wrote:
how about just checking the bloody Xorg logs to see what could have gone
wrong? (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)
That's where the errors came from that I posted in my first post. Here
is the results of the latest test. I shut down the rig and unplugged
the rig and monitor. Glad to see the monitor switched back to English
too. It was Chinese or something. Anyway. Before the shutdown, I
rebuilt the kernel, re-emerged the nvidia drivers and did a manual
switch on opengl to nvidia. I let the rig sit there unplugged for about
30 minutes. I then booted it up. BIOS came up, I saw the services
scroll up then it switched to vt7 and gave me a blinking cursor. It
just sat there.
I'm attaching both the new just tried xorg.conf and the xorg.log file.
No grep or anything this time.
Let me know if you see anything fishy or that needs changing.
:-) :-)
check your kernel config.
The following error into google gave me a hint,
[ 2082.101] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to obtain a shared memory identifier:
Function not
[ 2082.101] (EE) NVIDIA(0): implemented
This one says:
Try enabling CONFIG_SYSVIPC.
You da man !!! That was it. Yeppie !!! I got my nice new monitor
back. I bet this was what was wrong with the other monitor too. I'm
happy so I'm not going to try it.
Whew. I was about ready to try the ATI card too. Yuck !! lol
:-) :-)