Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> [10-12-14 05:04]:
> Hi,
> I am in the process of switching from the old rig to the new rig.  
> While doing the install I was using a Gateway EV700 monitor and it 
> worked fine.  I unhooked the cables from my old rig and moved in the 
> new rig.  The new monitor is a Gateway EV910.  When I boot with the 
> Gateway EV910 hooked up, it doesn't even come out of power saver mode 
> or show the BIOS screen that pops up when I first turn the puter on.  
> It does work with the one I used to install with, EV700.  So, I know 
> the card didn't mess up in the switch.
> Since it doesn't even work with the BIOS screen, this is not a OS 
> issue.  Is there some setting I have to change to be able to change 
> monitors or am I just going nuts here?  What is it about hooking up a 
> different monitor that makes it not work?   Both monitors support the 
> same resolutions and I have switched these before with my old rig and 
> not a single problem.
> What am I missing?  Some new feature that the video card remembers what 
> monitor it is supposed to hook up to?
> Thoughts?  Fixes would be nice.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Hi Dale,

just a shot in the dark (I did the same a few weeks ago):

May the non-working monitor has more than one input jack, say
HDMI, DVI and analog.

May be the monitor is set to await  a signal at the HDMI input
and physically the signal is feed into the DVI input ?


Best regards,

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