On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:48 AM, <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote: > I have a fair number of preserved-libs, but it will not run at all and > gives the rather strange message: > Calculating dependencies... done! > > emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "dev-tex/mplib:0". > (dependency required by "@preserved-rebuild") > > Now I have no such package and an eix seems to indicate that there is no > such, so how do I get this rebuild going again? > > Thanks in advance for all your help. > > -- > Your life is like a penny. You're going to lose it. The question is: > How do > you spend it? > > John Covici > cov...@ccs.covici.com > >
Probably searching for packages that depend on mplib, (equery) then emerge -C them (it's what I'd probably do - depends...) then re-emerge them if you still use them? Note that I'd go back to finding what members of the world file need all this stuff and emerge that with -DuN, maybe even doing a -depclean after the emerge -C. It's all a guess though. Seems like this sort of thing happens when a package gets dumped in an upgrade but somehow the ebuilds or package manager don't get updated or just don't work perfectly. Again, all a guess but I can usually figure it out looking at equery output, etc. Good luck, Mark