Hey all, remember me? I'm the guy with the old desktop from this thread:

That post tells the beginning of the story pretty nicely. To pick up
where I left off 11 months ago, I used the computer occasionally as a
device to control general IO through the parallel port, but never did
anything with portage. When it got cold about a week ago, I determined
that it was time to bring the box back from the dead to work as a...
space heater. I decided take the ~x86 system, up to date as of January
1st, 2010, and switch back to x86. This was the plan (outlined in a
post, by Alan I do believe, from around the same time as the one linked
1. Change ACCEPT_KEYWORDS from "~x86" to "x86" in make.conf.
2. Keyword the specific version of all installed packages which are
newer than the current stable.
3. Gradually wait for x86 to catch up to the installed system and
unkeyword packages as newer versions are installed.

In this case, I did most of the waiting for stable to catch up before
doing anything else, and it turns out that it paid off (only sixteen
packages were in need of keywording). Here's a retroactively simplified
summary of what I did, with a more detailed listing below:
Changed ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to "x86" in /etc/make.conf.
emerge --sync
Updated @system
        Did the layman symlink thing.
        Removed openrc due to file conflicts (seems to have been replaced?)
        Had a heck of a time with the libpng 1.2-1.4 update
        Was puzzled by with the move from dev-libs/poppler to app-text/poppler
Updated @world
        Masked >=sys-apps/v86d-0.1.3-r1...it still won't build correctly.
        Removed firefox and xulrunner on account of weird slotting problems and
xulrunner taking >1 hour to build.
        Removed xsane and sane-backends because it won't build and I won't be
using it.
        Was slightly confused by the bluez move.
        Manually installed some grub stages.
        Keyworded 16 packages which are newer than the current stable (step 2
        Was exceedingly confused by the gdbm format changes. The only offending
database was /etc/sasl2/sasldb2, which I renamed hoping it wouldn't
break anything.
        Updated the kernel according to my usual procedure.
emerge -e world (took almost exactly 30.5 hours, no errors)

So it's quite possible to move from unstable to stable, it's just not
very pretty. Thanks for your advice way back when; it seems to have
worked out in the end. Any opinions on what I did right/shouldn't have
done the way I did?

Marcus Wanner

Here's my detailed log of all the commands I ran/changes I made, in
chronological order, for those that are interested:
changed /etc/make.conf from ~x86 to x86
emerge --sync
ln -s /var/lib/layman /usr/local/portage/layman
emerge -u system
emerge -C openrc #was causing problem
emerge -u system #completing after problem
emerge -uD system (128 packs; 112 done)
revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0' (it failed because
dev-libs/poppler had moved)
emerge -C dev-libs/poppler (and 2 similar-named reverse deps)
emerge -1 app-text/poppler (to replace it)
revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0' (42 packs; failed at
pygtk again)
emerge -av dev-util/lafilefixer
lafilefixer --justfixit
emerge -uD system (pygtk still failing about -lpng12)
emerge libpng:1.2
emerge -uD system (no change)
masked >=dev-python/pygtk-2.17.0
emerge -uD system (10 packs)
perl-cleaner --all (17 packs)
emerge -C dev-util/lafilefixer
emerge -u world (49 packs; 6 done; v86d failed due to old kernel)
(updated kernel to 2.6.36-r12)
emerge -1uv x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers (module-rebuild wanted old
emerge -u world (41 packs, failed at first one, v86d, again)
masked >=sys-apps/v86d-0.1.3-r1
emerge -u world (38 packs; 11 done; failed at mousepad from "cannot find
emerge -C libpng:1.2
emerge -u world (27 packs; 9 done; failed at awesome due to convert
using the wrong libjpeg)
unmasked pygtk since libpng seems to be fixed
revdep-rebuild -L libjpeg.so.7 (failed because of xulrunner upgrade
causing slotting problems)
emerge -C xulrunner
emerge -C firefox (didn't really need them...)
Removed xulrunner and firefox from USE
revdep-rebuild -L libjpeg.so.7 (failed because of sane-backends
emerge -uDav @world (to find to-be-downgraded packages)
emerge -C bluez-libs bluez-utils cwiid (were bocking
emerge -uDav @world (to find to-be-downgraded packages)
Keyworded 16 to-be-downgraded packages; media-sound/lame-3.98.2-r2 and
xfce-base/libxfce4util-4.7.1 were still to be downgraded but are not
major so I unkeyworded them.
revdep-rebuild -L libjpeg.so.7 (wanted to downgrade sane-backends AGAIN)
emerge --oneshot   media-gfx/imagemagick:0 (all the others will be
rebuilt anyway; this one is needed for the upgrade however)
emerge -u world (13 packs; all done)
grub-install --recheck --no-floppy /dev/sda
emerge -uD world (77 packs; 40 done; proceeded to do xulrunner which
takes more than an hour so I stopped it)
added "-xulrunner -firefox" to USE
emerge -uD world (36 packs; all done)
emerge -ep world
masked <sys-apps/v86d-0.1.9, <dev-libs/klibc-1.5.15-r1
keyworded sys-apps/v86d-0.1.9, x11-themes/gtk-engines-nodoka-0.7.2,
net-misc/ethercard-diag-20050321.1g, =dev-libs/klibc-1.5.15-r1
emerge -ep world (checking for packages to be updated)
emerge -av1 dev-lang/swig gnome-base/gnome-common app-arch/cabextract
x11-misc/imake sys-apps/help2man app-text/docbook-xml-dtd dev-lang/ocaml
dev-util/scons app-text/gnome-doc-utils app-text/rarian dev-libs/boost
app-text/asciidoc dev-util/cmake media-gfx/blender
emerge -e world (took 30.5 hours; no failures)
revdep-rebuild (just in case)
sane 1.0.19-r2 was still giving me trouble: "make[1]: *** No rule to
make target `libsane-rts8891.la', needed by `all'.  Stop.", so I removed
rm '/usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8'
rm '/usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8' (some package told me to)
revdep-rebuild (just so I could hear "success")
mv /etc/sasl2/sasldb2 /etc/sasl2/sasldb2.old (I was too lazy to fix the
whole gdbm thing and hoped this wouldn't break anything)

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