Zhu Sha Zang wrote:

My problems:

1) Gentlemen, with this hardware when i try to compile some "nice" software like chromium, pyside or openoffice my system "freeze". I can't do anything like use keyboard, mouse or switch betwenn windows. How can i find the motive to this strange (???) problem? I've used --load-average in MAKEOPTS with the same result.

2) The source x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-256.53 don't compile against kernel-2.6.36-r3 and upgrading to nvidia-drivers-260.19.21 my X don't start using the same LG FLATRON W2043S. Appears to be a resolution problem, cos the light that monitor blink and the screen keep black. A bug?


For #1. Mine does this at times when compiling OOo too. I think it hits spots in the compile process that are really using the CPU and it just crams it through. I had it do it on my current machine and on another machine I installed OOo on. I don't think this is to out of the norm. I guess if you have fast enough processor that you won't be able to tell it tho.

I haven't' noticed this in the other packages tho. I don't use chromium and don't think I use pyside either.

For #2. I have a older card and sometimes I have to unmask a newer nvidia driver to get it to work. Sometimes, I have to use a somewhat older kernel until nvidia gets the driver updated to work with the new kernel, usually not to long tho. You use a newer driver but still may have to check and make sure the driver works with that kernel. Gentoo is bleeding edge sometimes. ;-)


:-)  :-)

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