On 25/11/2010, at 12:54pm, Coert Waagmeester wrote:
> Using ksh in konsole.
> Whenever I select something in any app apart from Konsole,
> and middle click paste it in Konsole, it does not paste exactly as it should.
> I have attached a screenshot where I copy from Firefox to Konsole.

That looks like what you'd see if you were trying to paste into vim.

When posting with a problem, it's worth stating more information that you might 
think necessary.

Have you tried pasting into other terminals?

Is there any app running in the konsole?
I'm surprised you're not seeing ksh errors about "command not found" between 
each line.

If you're trying to paste into vim then set the paste option.
I.E. from command mode type ":set paste"
(from insert mode type "<esc>:set paste<enter>i" and paste your text.
The oppose is ":set nopaste"
This is part of vim's auto-indenting.


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