Allan Gottlieb <> writes:

> Stroller <> writes:
>> On 19/11/2010, at 12:57am, Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>>> Mick <> writes:
>>>>> Should I now run emerge -e world?  If so, I suppose I should stop cron
>>>>> from running an emerge --sync during the night.
>>>> I used to do the same with reiserfs, but since I borked badly a reiser4 fs 
>>>> I 
>>>> decided it is safer to use a LiveCD for this job.  So I have to say YMMV. 
>>>> ;-)
>>> I am not sure I understand.  If I use a liveCD, won't I have to chroot
>>> to the disk with my real system?  In that case can't I get the same
>>> fs breakage?
>> You don't have to chroot to run fsck. You can just boot from the LiveCD and 
>> run `fsck -o -p -t -i -o -n -s /dev/sda1`.
>> I feel a bit more confident fscking my root filesystem from a LiveCD, 
>> because you know that you're not repairing the floor you're standing on, and 
>> fsck can have full leeway to do what it needs to do to clear up the problem 
>> properly.
> The question was about emerge -e world not fsck (see quoted material
> above).
> The fsck succeeded prior to this (I did touch /forcefsck; reboot).
> thanks,
> allan

I now understand your comment better.  I should have run my previous
fsck's under a liveCD.  You are right and I am running them again now
under a liveCD.  I am please to report that no errors were found.

So is it now an appropriate time for me to run an

   emerge -e world

I do not mind taking this machine offline for the few days of the

thanks again,

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