James wrote:
Dale<rdalek1967<at>  gmail.com>  writes:

LABEL=boot        /boot        ext2        noatime        1 2
LABEL=root         /        reiserfs    defaults    0 1
LABEL=swap        none        swap        sw        0 0
LABEL=portage    /usr/portage    ext3        defaults    0 1
LABEL=home        /home        reiserfs    defaults    1 1
LABEL=data        /data        reiserfs    defaults    0 1
what I was looking for!

I use a variety of file systems don't I?  lol
but as an example it is GREAT!


I'm planning to add one more file system soon, ext4. Thinking about switching from reiserfs to ext4. I got to read up and see if it will help but it appears reiserfs is not being worked on to much. We all know what happens when things ain't getting fixed. They break. ;-)


:-)  :-)

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