=== On Tue, 11/16, Joseph wrote: ===
> Anyhow, "dmesg |grep eth" shows:
> forcedeth 0000:00:14.0 ifname eth0, PHY OUI  addr. 00:17:31:83:a1:53
> udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1
> Any idea why is it renaming network interface?
> I have forcedeth loaded in the kernel but it is not bringing it up :-(


The system maps MAC addresses to device names, to try to keep the
ordering consistent. The fix, when you change NICs, is:

# rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

Then reboot.

-- Keith Dart


-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Keith Dart <ke...@dartworks.biz>
   public key: ID: 19017044

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