Hi all,

I'm trying to update my glibc for now 2 weeks or so and it doesn't
matter what I'm doing, I run into a strange error.

multiple definition of `__libc_multiple_libcs'
first defined here
In function `_dl_addr_inside_object':
dl-addr.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `_dl_addr_inside_object'
first defined here
collect2: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zurück
  make for amd64 failed

The last 100 lines of the build.log you can find here:

And my emerge --info sys-libs/glibc here:

I tried many things like: playing with cflags "-fstack-protector",
downgrading gcc from 4.4.5 to 4.4.4, recompiling DEPEND packages and
later hole @system. To my mind it is not a bug of glibc, at least I
didn't find anything appropiate at bugs.gentoo.org and on another
machine in office it's compiling w/o errors.

Any idea and help is welcome, slowly I'm becoming despaired.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Kind regards,
der Max

P.S. In the last time I receive lots of segfaults, does it has something
to do with my glibc error?

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