> Nice link.  I didn't even think of looking on that site.  I guess one good
> thing to go by is the processing power and memory.  After all, that's what
> makes it all work faster.  Looks like I'm still getting a pretty old card
> but I don't play any hard core games or anything.  Playing videos is about
> as much load as the card will see with me.  I do play Kpatience tho.  Love
> my card games.
I would have thought you would have no problems at all with your current
system. IIRC I had no problem with full screen SD video using mplayer on a
Athlon 2200 with a crappy integrated 440MX video... what's the CPU
utilization when you're playing the full screen video?

I'm just thinking changing the card might not make any difference.

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