>> What is your strategia to build up a community?
> Actually, I don't really have any. All I can do is offering it
> as OSS and do a little bit advocacy here and there - I don't
> have the resources to build up real community structures all
> alone. Of course, anybody's welcomed to join in.

This is still a weak point. What are the options to run an OS project

1.) The field is small and can be covered by a single person. ->
cdrecord from Jörg Schilling

2.) The field is wide and there is a strong community behind. -> Gentoo

3.) The field ist wide and there is a working commercial model -> Redhat, Cygwin

x.) There are some others.

My very subjective estimations:

Briegel looks like type 3. Needs a working company structure, then
there could be money in it. Are you prepared for this? QM Repository,
not standalone, but as prerequest for Briegel and nourished by it.

Maybe it would be possibel to run Briegel as type 2. But a community
has special prerequests to get it started, communiction, server
management, events and meetings. A lot of non-programming work also
for this.


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