On 09/09/2010 08:21 AM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 September 2010 23:27:52 Daniel Troeder wrote:
>> On 09/08/2010 05:27 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 08 September 2010 17:14:13 Jonathan wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 7 Sep 2010 22:49:37 +0200
>>>> Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> We go in circles here. NNTP is be default organzed in threads. You
>>>>>> don't open a topic that you are not interested in, even if the thread
>>>>>> has 500 messages. Nothing to filter.
>>>>> emails too. But you still get the 'new mails' indicator.
>>>> Claws mail has a Ignore thread mark.
>>>> Which I'm about to use on this thread.
>>> So does KMail, but never tested what it actually does.
>>> Maybe I should on this one...
>> That's cool - what does it do? I could imagine it does mark all msg as
>> read... or what? I mean it's still mail... so it needs to dl it... maybe
>> it does automagically only download the headers? Oh I like the idea :D
> I run my own IMAP at home, so mail is automatically downloaded and filtered 
> on 
> that server. KMAil is only the client to access that.
> Not sure if it would stop at the headers.
> A quick check showed me that all "unread" messages are not shown as "unread". 
> Unmarking it as "ignore" does show the "unread" as unread again. So it only 
> appears to be hiding the fact new messages appeared.
>> In Thunderbird I look at all the topics (mails sorted by thread), and if
>> not interested mark the hole folder (mails sorted into folders on
>> server) as "read". But the next time I check my mails there are new
>> "unread" mails that belong to that same thread I didn't want to read. So
>> I have to mark them as "read" again. A function like in Claws and
>> Kmail... I have to search for add-ons for Thunderbird... thanx for that
>> idea!
> Good luck/fun hunting.
> Let us know if a similar feature exists for Thunderbird.
I found something:
I'm testing it now... have to wait for messages - will report back
tomorrow :)

>> (please note: I'm talking about client-features, not
>> delivery/storage-systems)
>> Bye,
>> Daniel
>> (sorry for this "traffic", I hope this mail is more worth a smile on
>> your face than an annoyance :)
>> BTW: I know n00b-unfriendly communities - and gentoo isn't one!
> I agree :)
> --
> Joost

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