On Thu, 9 Sep 2010 14:25:07 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> gentoo is run emerge, study output, understand all of it, consider what 
> flameeyes has to say about it, wonder if some screw ball fucked up
> glibc yet again, discuss in upgrade meetings, then proceed with lots of
> other crap ad nauseam.

Part of the problem is that there is no such thing as a stable Gentoo
installation. the portage tree is changing all the time and emerge -u
world wants to continually install new stuff when the old stuff works
fine. It would need some sort of snapshot system where you can pin to a
particular point in the portage tree's history and only bug/security
updates would be applied.

> It's 130 different configs on 150 machines serving 30 different
> systems, many of them legacy systems. Management once asked what it
> will take to unlegacy all of that. They didn't like my answer:
> Triple the salary budget
> Two years.

If you really wanted it, you could quote lower and then slightly revise
upwards in light of "unforseen circumstances"... rinse and repeat.

Neil Bothwick

A man needs a mistress - just to break the monogamy

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