On Tuesday 07 September 2010 12:51:36 Al wrote:
> 2010/9/7 J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org>:
> > Except that then I need to do these 2 steps all the time and for every
> > mailing list that I use.
> Only once for the news groups of gentoo. Only one click to subscribe
> to a second group.

Per project, per list, per desktop...
That becomes quite a lot of work.
And there is at least one click to get to the subscribe-list.
Then at least one click per list (or once for "select all"?)
Then at least one click to confirm.

Am counting 3 clicks here at least. And multiply that with all the desktops 
and projects.

As opposed to configuring one IMAP-server per desktop and 1 webpage to remember 
for the webmail.

> > Usenet's strength was that all news-groups were accessible through all
> > news- servers.
> Usenet was the sozial network of the past. It has been replaced by
> something better in that function.

I never considered usenet to be a social network.
We had chat-software for that.
(And no, I am not talking about ICQ, that came later)

> > By using different news-servers for different projects, this advantage is
> > gone.
> Usenet is gone. The advantage of a projects newsserver is something
> very different. Easy to subcribe to and a full knowledge database of
> all discussions without switching to a browser. The problem is that
> people didn't learn how to do that at all.

How do you search through a newsserver without having to download all the 
messages in their entirety?
The error-message someone might be trying to resolve may not even be in the 
subject, but in one of the replies.

> > This way, I only need to subscribe to mailing lists once and only need to
> > remember one set of account-details.
> But you have to set up filters for that account.

Once per mailing list and the filters are included in my backups.
If I need to reinstall a desktop for whatever reason, I need to re-add all the 
news-servers and news-groups...

> > And I am not aware of any news-reader that can handle multiple different
> > news- servers easily without a news-proxy like leafnode sitting in
> > between.
> Thunderbird. There is no limit to severs you can subscribe to.

And can these all be listed in the same list as my email?
My email is sorted as such:
      |- list

Can thunderbird, or any other news-reader, plug the news-group-feed into my 
email like that?

In the summary-page, I can easily view how many new messages there are per 
mailing list, I am used to working like that.

But, like Norman Rieß said, if you want to maintain a news server that is 
fully synchronised with the mailing lists, I don't think anyone would try to 
stop you.


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