On 09/04/2010 01:31 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Friday 03 September 2010 22:19:47 Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Fri, 3 Sep 2010 17:31:08 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:
Just open konqueror and where URLs go, just type in "man:ls" or
"info:ls" and the man or info page will pop up.

Yes, thanks, I can do that. I just wanted to get my file
associations cleaned up.

This isn't a file association though, it's choosing what to run based
on the protocol. Do you have kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves installed?
If you do, re-emerging it may fix whatever has become broken.

Thanks for the idea, but it didn't help. (Is it possible not to have the
IO slaves installed? I suppose it is, but what a lot of usefulness would
be lost thereby.)

It may be significant that I get a new tab in the existing Firefox
window, plus a new window in front of the existing one. What might cause

Something seems screwed in your config. Try creating a new test user and login with that one. See if it still happens there.

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