András Csányi <> wrote:

> On 3 September 2010 01:24,  <> wrote:
> > Hi.  I am trying to get the driver for pdo-sqlite in my php emerge.  I
> > have the use flags for sqlite3 and pdo, but when I do php --info the
> > sqlite pdo driver is not there and this seems to be verified by doing
> > PDO::get_available_drivers which does not list it.
> >
> > Any ideas on how to get this to work?
> As I know in he /etc/php directory you can set which module is enabled
> and disabled. Please look this directory. On other hands please check
> pdo-sqlite package is installed on your machine or not.
> Unfortunately I'm not able to log in my machine to give you more
> specified information what should you check.
The program was happy once I put the use flag sqlite along with sqlite3
-- makes not much sense, but there it is.

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         John Covici

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