On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Håkon Alstadheim

> Den 24. aug. 2010 04:27, skrev Kevin O'Gorman:
>  I had to replace an 4:3 Westinghouse monitor this weekend.  I got a new
>> ASUS VH242H, which is very wide.  But Xorg is still running 1280x1024,
>> instead of the monitor's normal 1920x1080, according to xorg logs because of
>> lack of video memory (using the ATI on the motherboard).  I can make the
>> screen use a 4:3 aspect ratio, so I'm up and running, much better than I
>> started, but I'd like to do better.
>> I guess I've gotta look for a video card, but all I have is PCIX slots, so
>> I don't want to put a lot of money into it (I'll be upgrading the mobo when
>> finances permit -- which is not right now.)
> Just did a cursory read of the entire thread here. I notice the card is on
> the mobo, did you try to see if there is a BIOS setting to increase the
> amount of video RAM? I.e enter BIOS setup during boot, and look around in
> the chip setup.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.   Be right back.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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