On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Al <oss.el...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Some thoughts of the day
> With multicore machines compilation itself is relativly fast. The
> bigger part of time meanwhile is spend for the system check before
> compilation. Each  program das it again and 90% of the checks check
> the same stuff.
> I wounder if efforts have been made to reduce this repeated checks.


It can (or used to be able to) be used with portage, though I think it
is discouraged because it can cause some other problems. I used it for
a while and never noticed any ill effects, but maybe I wasn't looking
in the right places. I read enough about it being bad that I stopped
using it out of fear.

The better time-saver is probably parallel emerges (emerge -j) which
can configure multiple packages at once. It also has quirks but works
most of the time. :)

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