On 08/17/10 10:55, Jake Moe wrote:
>  On 08/17/10 11:55, Adam Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm biting the bullet here and asking for help.  Yes! I've posted
>>> before.  And before anyone asks, I have read the responses to my
>>> previous posts which helped little.  I have read the documentation and
>>> the wikis - ad nauseum.  I'm still having problems with wireless.
>> I use wpa_supplicant to provide the wifi crypto.
>>> So, I'm left with trying to use the iwl3945 driver in the kernel.  I
>>> followed the wiki for setting this up and thought I had succeeded.  I
>>> got to the point where I was told to type the following:
>>> ifconfig wlan0 up (this does activate the wireless led on my computer)
>>> iwlist wlan0 scan
>>> iwconfig wlan0 essid "network name"  (where the network name is the
>>> essid that has been set)
>>> When I got this to work, I thought I was home free despite the "kludgy"
>>> way of getting wireless working.  However, I rebooted and now, when I
>>> type iwlist wlan0 scan I get told that scanning is not supported.  Yes,
>>> I have iwl3945-ucode installed and yes, it was recompiled after the
>>> kernel was rebuilt.
>>> I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
>> Forgetting to post up your configs :) eg /etc/conf.d/net etc
> I've used the iwl3945 on a few HP laptops without much problem.  The few
> problems I had were related to switching the wireless on and off; I'd
> have to rmmod and modprobe kernel modules to get it working again.
> Does "ifconfig" list the interface?  If not, what does "ifconfig wlan0
> up" do?  What about the output of "iwconfig"?  And going for the obvious
> here, any chance that the wireless is turned off?
> Jake Moe
iwconfig lists the interface as wlan0

I discovered last night after sending my original message that my
symlink was wrong - I used to have net.eth0 and net.eth1 pointing to
net.lo.  However, last night I removed the net.eth1 symlink and created
the net.wlan0 symlink to net.lo.  Now when I boot the computer, my
wireless comes up and the LED comes on, but then it times out because (I
assume) it can't establish a connection.

This is my /etc/conf.d/net file.  Note that the "any" used to work when
I used the ipw3945 driver.  I would scan for available networks.  I
tried last night to change the "any" to the essid printed on my Bell
router, but that didn't work. 

# This blank configuration will automatically use DHCP for any net.*
# scripts in /etc/init.d.  To create a more complete configuration,
# please review /etc/conf.d/net.example and save your configuration
# in /etc/conf.d/net (this file :]!).

#preup() {
#      if [[ ${IFACE} = "wlan0" ]]; then
#             sleep 3
#      fi
#      return 0

modules=( "iwconfig" )
iwconfig_wlan0="mode managed"




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