On 7/31/2010 1:58 AM, Stroller wrote:

On 29 Jul 2010, at 21:37, Tomas Krasnican wrote:
... But, when is the mysql in the depend part of rc script (for
example, when you emerge syslog-ng with mysql enabled flag, that will
be puted here automaticly), the running localy database is required
for start this service. It is not required to have it rc-enabled the
mysql database, because you have already enabled another service,
which it requires..

Surely the rc-scripts should use "before" and "after" instead of "needs"
or "depends". I haven't looked at this recently, but I'm pretty sure
there used to be such a distinction.


        For grins I compiled sql support into syslog-ng. Here's the new rc 

depend() {
        need net
        use mysql dns logger netmount postgresql
        after sshd

It'll load after Mysql only if it exists in the current runlevel. As other people have said, there isn't any problem to solve here.


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