Remy Blank wrote:
> Some version info:
>   xorg-server-
>   xf86-input-evdev-2.3.2
>   udev-149
>   gentoo-sources-2.6.31-r6
> Has anyone seen anything similar? Any idea how I could either work
> around the issue or debug it? I have tried strace but couldn't extract
> any meaningful information.

For the record, I have update to gentoo-sources-2.6.34-r1, and the issue
seems to be fixed. I still don't understand why this has suddenly
started happening, as I had been running 2.6.31-r6 for months.

Now on to my next issue: my laptop powers off by itself after a few
hours of doing nothing. I first thought that it was a hardware issue,
but it just switched off before my eyes a few minutes ago: the screen
went blank, and I could see the caps lock and scroll lock LEDs blink for
~30 seconds, before the laptop powered off. This seems to be a strong
hint at a kernel panic.

Unfortunately, as I was in X, I didn't get to see the panic, and it
wasn't logged either. Does anyone know how to get the kernel panic
message in such a case? I have enabled remote logging with syslog-ng,
but I suspect that this won't be enough. I have found kdump, but setting
it up seems to be quite tricky.

-- Remy

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