I recently installed gSoap and have be trying to use build the examples in tutorials ( Such as: http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html ). Since everything seems pretty simple and breaks on step 2, I was wondering if it has something to do with the ebuild.
gsoap is installed as follows. # emerge -pv net-libs/gsoap These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] net-libs/gsoap-2.7.13 USE="ssl -debug -doc -examples" 0 kB Step 1 is to save the .c file with the main() in it. Step 2 is to run a command which has a few problems. The results of which are below. The problems I see are 1) typemap.dat - this may or may not be an issue. It's not mentioned as being required or explained very well. 2) An error occurred while parsing WSDL or XSD. 3) The .h file it generates is empty. This is just one example, but I've tried many and the all fail. $ wsdl2h -o quote.h http://services.xmethods.net/soap/urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes.wsd ** The gSOAP WSDL parser for C and C++ 1.2.13 ** Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. This product is provided "as is", without any warranty. ** The gSOAP WSDL parser is released under one of the following two licenses: ** GPL or the commercial license by Genivia Inc. Use option -l for more info. Saving quote.h Cannot open file 'typemap.dat' Problem reading type map file 'typemap.dat'. Using internal type definitions for C++ instead. Connecting to 'http://services.xmethods.net/soap/urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes.wsd' to retrieve WSDL/XSD... connected, receiving... redirected to 'http://domainnotfound.optimum.net/cablevassist/dnsassist/main/?domain=services.xmethods.net'... Connecting to 'http://domainnotfound.optimum.net/cablevassist/dnsassist/main/?domain=services.xmethods.net' to retrieve WSDL/XSD... connected, receiving... An error occurred while parsing WSDL or XSD from '' Error 3 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode] "Validation constraint violation: tag name or namespace mismatch in element <html>" Detail: [no detail] <html> <!-- ** HERE ** --> <head id="icePage_ctl01"> <link href='http://assist.infospace.com.edgesuite.net/cablevassist/style/min-styles.css/_iceUrlFlag=13?_IceUrl=true' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href='http://assist.infospace.com.edgesuite.net/cablevassist/style/min-cobrand.css/_iceUrlFlag=13?_IceUrl=true' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href='http://assist.infospace.com.edgesuite.net/cablevassist/style/styles_OT.css/_iceUrlFlag=13?_IceUrl=true' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title> Optimum Online - Domain not found services.xmethods.net</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function openModal(url) { var w = screen.availWidth; var h = screen.availHeight; var popW = w*0.6; var popH = h*0.6; var leftPos = (w-popW)/2 var topPos = (h-popH)/2; if(window.showModalDialog != null && typeof(window.showModalDialog) != 'undefined') window.showM Thanks, --dhk