On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>   Does there happen to be a Gentoo doc anywhere that goes through
> creating an initrd from scratch?
>   If not Gentoo, then any good web site would be a big help. I'm
> interested in booting from RAID - or at least investigating it - so I
> need to learn about this.
> Thanks,
> Mark

genkernel is the 'official' way, and I at least use it on my netbook.
Maintaining an up to date kernel with an integrated initramfs with
little effort on my own part, while Gentoo itself sits on an encrypted
partition was just too much to pass up.

The guide for it is here:

Alternatively, gentoo-wiki.com has guides on most anything I've ever
decided I wanted to look up how to do, and the forums also tend to
have a good how-to here and there.

I've not looked over these two myself, so I can't vouch for them...


And last idea I have, as it's where I've learned more about how to
make Linux do *anything* I might want it to do... LFS and the other
projects it's spawned, as the principles used there tend to be low
level enough to work on any linux system I've tried them on (though
the specific, explicit, instructions make assumptions about where
things are and such, of course).


Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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