On 05/13/2010 03:12 PM, Mick wrote:
On Thursday 13 May 2010 22:08:44 Stroller wrote:
On 12 May 2010, at 23:22, walt wrote:
On 05/08/2010 07:16 AM, claude angéloz wrote:
I installed a gentoo on a very recent system (efi support) ...
I know that it is not required an efi partiton to boot the os with
pc/bios and gpt disk. Or is it false ?
I guarantee that some smart geek here will know how to do it, though
may need to search around for the appropriate forum:
BTW, why do you want to use gpt on a laptop?
I assumed it was a MacBook or a Hackintosh.
I'm sure I've seen a Sony laptop running Vista that had an EFI boot. I assume
that this means it also had a GPT partition system?
Hm. The major benefit of GPT (IIUC) is support for >2TB partitions,
AFAIK most laptops don't (yet) have 2TB disks, which is why Vista is a poor
choice for laptops. Vista needs most of a terabyte after installing all the
bug fixes and service packs -- and then you might want to consider installing
some programs. It adds up fast!