On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 13:11:09 +0200, Holly Bostick wrote:

> I was going to post a question as to whether anybody knew how many more
> revisions we're going to see to the Mozilla programs in the next couple
> days; I understand heavy development, but three upgrades in three days
> is a bit much even for me (since it takes an hour and a half or so to
> compile each program, and further means I have to use Konq for that time
> if I don't want to mess up ff by having it loaded while it's upgrading.

Use emerge -B pkg to build a binary. Then install it in a few seconds
with emerge -k pkg.

Or you could just use Konqueror, which doesn't seem to be plagued with
hourly security fixes ;-)

Neil Bothwick

Found my .sig, it was in behind the cushion on the settee.

Attachment: pgp8kQZWk4jgf.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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