On 2010-05-03, David W Noon <dwn...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 03 May 2010 03:30:02 +0200, Grant Edwards wrote about
> [gentoo-user] qt3support: only in /etc/make.conf, never
> in /etc/portage/package.use:
>>qt3support on a per-package basis.  If you want qt3support put it in
>>/etc/make.conf.  Despite the fact that portage will tell you to enable
>>qt3support for package XYZ, doing just that won't work.
> The qt3support USE flag only applies to the Qt packages, not to those
> packages that might require Qt 3.x support.

I know.

> Specifically, it applies to:
>   x11-libs/qt-core
>   x11-libs/qt-gui
>   x11-libs/qt-opengl
>   x11-libs/qt-sql
> Enable it for all 4 and you will have Qt 3.x support for all Qt app's
> that are satisfied by the backwards compatibility support in Qt 4.x.

The problem is that if you don't have qt3 support, Portage tells you
to enable qt3support for _one_ of those packages.  If you do exactly
what portage tells you (enable it for that one package), then portage
will complain and tell you to disable it for that package.  At least
that's what always seemed to happen for me.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm in direct contact
                                  at               with many advanced fun
                              gmail.com            CONCEPTS.

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