On Saturday 24 April 2010 14:40:47 billyd wrote:
> Thanks again Alan,
> No I don't have genlop installed but I will try that.
> In /var/log/portage, I didn't actually compare the contents of the
> duplicates so maybe there is nothing wrong there.
> The elog/ directories on all three Gentoo installs are empty. Once I review
> the messages and take necessary action, I remove those entries.
> You say I am using unstable python and stable portage. I am just running
> what ~amd64 wants to emerge.  So I think you are suggesting I unmask
> unstable portage so it can be installed. If so, I will put that on my list
> of things to try.

Yes, you are right, I should have said "unmask portage". I've been sing 2.2 
for so long, I forget it's actually unmasked here, not just unstable.

It's worth using it, the 2.2 branch of portage does not cause all manner of 
weird things to need to also be unmasked, and you get the benefit of automatic 
blocker resolution, sets, and a few other things too.

> I am beginning to wonder whether anything is actually wrong here. Usually,
> when I run in to some issue I find through the mailing lists, the forums,
> gentoo bugs or just google searches that someone else is experiencing the
> same thing.  So far, I have not seen anything about this.

Well, quite a few people *did* have elog issues recently here.

I suppose you can be forgiven for making a perfectly reasonable assumption, 
even if it was wrong in the end :-)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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