Grant wrote:
I recently switched from cable to DSL on a Gentoo router and I'm
having trouble keeping a stable connection.  Periodically I need to
run '/etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart' before it will connect to the
Westell modem (which is also a router although AT&T won't admit it).
The weird thing is that rebooting the system doesn't reacquire the
connection.  I have to actually issue '/etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart'.
Does anyone know why rebooting doesn't reacquire the connection and
restarting the interface does?

- Grant

I have AT&T DSL as well with a Motorola modem. It's the little silver thing. I have a niece that has the one you are talking about and she has to reset her stuff pretty regular. She is not computer inclined so she just turns everything off, waits a bit then turns everything back on, modem first of course.

Could it be that that modem just has some "issues" for some reason? My niece runs windoze on her puters, she has two. I wouldn't think it was OS since the only common thing is that modem.

Just a thought.


:-)  :-)

P. S. Don't expect AT&T to admit anything. They told me their DSL would even work with Linux at all.

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