On Tuesday 20 April 2010 16:30:18 Harry Putnam wrote:
> Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> writes:
> > The 'new' way of setting it up without a xorg.conf file is to set it up
> > in your /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi like so:
> >
> >  <merge key="input.xkb.options"
> > type="string">terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp</merge>
> >
> > Read more details here:
> >
> > http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/x/x11/xorg-server-1.6-upgrade-guide
> >.xml
> I am running hal, but if I enter the suggested line:
>    (all on one line [wrapped for mail here])
>    <merge key="input.xkb.options"
>                     type="string">terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp</merge>
> into /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi
> And it is the only line in there.
>  (Maybe there is supposed to be some header type lines above it?)
> C+A+bkspc still doesn't kill X.
> It seems to have no effect at all when in xorg.conf as suggested or
> /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi as suggested.
> -------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      --------
> The only things I've tried that work are
> 1) From that same page of tips:
>           setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
>    That kills X instantly
> 2) my own concoction:
>  kill -TERM `ps wwaux|awk '/[X].*noliste[n]/{print $2}'`
>   Also instantly kills X

I think you did not read the link properly.  You are meant to copy the 
relevant .fdi file from /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi to 
/etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi and then modify the last paragraph:

<merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">us</merge>
      <merge key="input.xkb.options" 
      <merge key="input.xkb.variant" type="string" />

by the adding the above line starting with type= ...

If this is not clear please let me know and I will have to post the whole 
content of the file.

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