On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:58:17 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > That's whay I used to do until I found the gentoo=nox option, it
> > saves maintaining an extra runlevel.  
> But X isn't the only thing I don't run when not running X, if you see 
> what I mean. Only about 3 other things differ at the moment, but I
> leave the possibilities open.

In that case, another level is a better option.

> And I don't have to type anything at the grub command prompt.

Of course not, you have an extra GRUB menu option to specify the runlevel,
as I do to specify the nox option.

> And maintaining the other run level is not arduous anyway, as changes 
> occur only when I install or remove a system service. Rarely, in other 
> words.

I used a script in local.stop to copy all symlinks in default to the nox
runlevel, except the ones I didn't want to run, which were only xdm and
vmware, hence my preference for the simpler soluton when it bacame

> To each his own, of course, as ever.

Indeed, choice is wonderful.

Neil Bothwick

Uhura: Captain, you're being flamed on channel one.

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