Colin wrote:

> On Jul 24, 2005, at 2:54 AM, Greg Bur wrote:
>> On 7/23/05, Ian K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I have an older laptop that I want to add to my network,
>>> (its a 802.11B one) and I was wondering what brands/models
>>> would work the best under Linux. Im fairly flexible, and would
>>> really not like to tinker with too many drivers. Any good ideas?
>>> Thanks!
>> I've always had good luck with cards that use the Orinoco chipset and
>> the only time I've had to tinder with drivers was when I wanted to get
>> Kismet working with the card.  You should be able to pick one up for
>> under $50.  Check out or
>> for more details.
> Just remember, if the laptop isn't going too far, a good length of Ye 
> Olde Cat5e is a much cheaper solution.  That being said...

Oh, this laptop has absolutely no ethernet port, and the router is in my
parent's room, so just to be out of the way, i would like to go for a
wireless card. :)
fn:Ian K
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Pentium 3=0D=0A=
	256MB RAM=0D=0A=
	80.0GB HDD=0D=0A=
	ATI Radeon 7000 Evil Wizard 64MB=0D=0A=
	Computer name: "PentaQuad"=0D=0A=

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