On Friday 16 April 2010 23:13:34 Jonathan wrote:
> I'm trying to work out how many ways there are to increase the permissions
>  of  a user.
> 1: su -: Needs root password and you need to be in the group "wheel".
> 2: sudo: You need to be in the group "wheel" or in the /etc/sudoers file,
>  using your own user password. I'm not counting gksu and gksudo they are
>  just front ends.
> 3: sudoedit: This is the best way to edit text files, it uses the same
>  rules as sudo.
> 4: Linux "Capabilities" or "caps": Which increases permissions on a
>  per-file basis. e.g. removing SUID from ping and adding CAP_NET_RAW to
>  ping. This is much safer than running the whole program as root.
>  http://linux.die.net/man/7/capabilities

This is a first for me.  I haven't used it before and it seems it is not set 
up on my box by default.


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