James wrote:

James Hiscock <boxroot <at> gmail.com> writes:

Warning: There is absolutely NO DMA, operations thus are slow.
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
Version        : 0
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   :
Vendor_info    : 'TOSHIBA '
Identifikation : 'DVD-ROM SD-R2412'
Revision       : '1015'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-ROM.

This seems suspect to me... it looks like cdrecord is detecting your
burner as a CD/DVD-ROM, not a burner. I had a similar problem with an
external USB 2.0 DVD+-RW drive that would get misdetected. Took a
while to figure out what the heck was going on...

Is it possible that that's what you're running into?

Quite probable.
It could even be something stupid I did in building the kernel....

I can mount and copy files off the cd, only.

I've never been able to get a cd burner working on linux....
I have no idea what to try/do.....gui or command line....

If you suggest something, tell me where a simple file is to use
and suggest exact syntax....

I'd just like to see a simple ascii text file burned to either
the rw media or the oneshot cd media.....

Ideas are most welcome.


Hi James,
Googling for "DVD-ROM SD-R2412+linux" showed me that it's a combo - DVD-ROM&CD-RW. Now looking at some page from Norway with some CLI scripts, can't get the language tough ;)
Når det er gjort kan du i mitt tilfelle kjøre følgende kommando for å brenne image’et over på CD:

cdrecord -v speed=24 dev=ATAPI:/dev/cdrom filnavn.iso
Dermed har du en fil ved navn track1.wav som er klar for brenning. Sannsynligvis vil du ha mer enn et spor på audio-CD’en, så det er bare å gjenta prosessen med andre filnavn (f.eks. track2.wav, track3.wav, etc.), og f.eks. kopier dem til en mappe ved navn ~/audiocd. Deretter kan du, mens du er i mappen ~/audiocd/, kjøre:

cdrecord -v speed=24 dev=ATAPI:/dev/cdrom -pad -audio track*.wav
Choose not to remove the comments, there are more pages and it seems to be working. Sorry no experience with combos (only with pure CD-RW and DVD-RW) but used all kind of tools: command-line (cdrecord, but not with DVD-RW to write CDR), k3b and nautilus-cd-burner.
HTH. Rumen

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