On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 09:38:51 +0200
Jarry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I would like to build a new comp today, I would probably go
> with EpoX, DFI, Gigabyte or MSI motherboards...

Personally, my list would be Epox and Tyan.  Though Tyan is pretty
conservative, and the bios doesn't ever seem to work with ATI cards.

MSI used to be a lot better, but are about the same a DFI now, both
better, IMO, than Asus.

btw - my recommendation of PC Power & Cooling power supplies is not
because there are no others as good, it's that I've had more fails and seen
more fails with other brands.  When looking for a power supply, use PC
Power & Cooling as a reference standard.  Make sure the power supply
you're looking at can provide the same sustained currents on +3.3V, +5V, and
+12V as the equivalent PC Power and Cooling.  Also, insure the combined
sustained wattage rating of the +3.3V, +5V, and +12V are the same as the
PC Power and Cooling.

I've been burned more than once by believing online reviews of power supplies.
Sure they work, for awhile, most times, but put them in a real system and you 
find they die on turn-on.  Or worse, when the room temp is near 90F and the
system hangs a lot because of voltage sags.  

Or they can't handle the current draw at 90F and overcurrent.  Do this a few 
and then the machine never comes back on; because, the power supply just blew
a fuse - it has to go back to the factory to get repaired (yes, you can do it 

Regardless, don't spend US$300 on a Gfx card then balk at US$100 for a power
supply.  You'll have the power supply for 3 yrs and the Gfx card for 1 yr.

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