Hi Benno,

2005/7/15, Benno Schulenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Robert,
> > /dev/hda5            2212       79717    39063024   83  Linux
> > /dev/hda6             131        2211     1048792+  82  Linux
> > swap / Solaris
> >
> >
> > cfdisk doesn't even start but stops with the following message:
> >
> > FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions
> > overlap Press any key to exit cfdisk
> Have you tried using parted on this disk?  I'm quite curious as to
> what it will say about these out-of-order partitions, and the
> unusual boundaries.  (Be careful though with executing other
> commands than print, as they act immediately.)

I tried parted, but it doesn't report any errors:

(parted) print                                                            
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-57231.562 megabytes
Disk label type: msdos
Minor    Start       End     Type      Filesystem  Flags
1          0.031     63.984  primary   ext2        
2         63.984  39235.710  extended              
6         64.015   1088.226  logical   linux-swap  
5       1088.227  39235.710  logical   reiserfs    
3      39235.711  47230.158  primary               boot
4      47231.789  57231.070  primary   fat32       lba

> Benno


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