Steve [Gentoo] wrote:
> I'd have thought lots of people in the gentoo crowd would have been
> eagerly awaiting subversion 1.2.x with its substantial new "reserved
> checkout" - but nothing seems to have moved forward.

you must have missed this link from the gentoo homepage (on the left):
a search yields this:

also, for a command-line version, read:
man equery

You might also want to read up on the portage section in the gentoo

sorry for such a canned answer, but i would only repeat what's been
written there.

> I've tried using ~x86 as my USE flag - but the 1.2 ebuild still won't
> install reporting a "Problem in dev-util/subversion-1.2 dependencies"...
> I'm reluctant to use an unstable subverison port as it would cost me a
> fair bit of time if it scrambles my version controlled files.  Does
> anyone know what the problems are and why its taking so long to get
> 1.2.x into the default portage tree?

Don't put ~x86 in your USE flags just for that - use
/etc/portage/package.keywords (see the above mentioned portage guide).
I'm not exactly sure what you want - Gentoo leaves packages in unstable
for a default period of time to make sure they work allright. If you
want the newest version of a package, you must tell portage to do so by
putting the appropriate stuff (subversion and it's dependencies) in

Here, i just did it myself by putting this in my package.keywords
(create this file if it doesn't exist) :

=dev-util/subversion-1.2.1              ~x86
=dev-libs/apr-util-0.9.5                ~x86
=dev-libs/apr-0.9.5                     ~x86

You just add one package, ask portage to merge, then put in the next
dependency, and so on...
Tried this on amd64 (with ~amd64 instead of ~x86, naturally), it's
happily compiling away... This was just info about portage, it is in no
way any form of endorsement on the new version of subversion, as I
haven't used it at all - and I don't know if you should be so impatient
with a new version of a package that seems to be important to you and
your data...

Hope this helps,

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