On Thu, 07 Jul 2005 19:30:18 +0800 Ow Mun Heng wrote: > > > Now back to the point, did the OP set the directory where his video > > files reside in the mythtv setup? > > Yeah.. I set it up but unfortunately the browser doesn't recognise any > of the files. I'm not sure why.
you perhaps need to go into the mythvideo setup and get it to scan for video files. Not quite sure where it is, i find the myth menu system a little confusing, but you end up with a menu called "set up videos" or something like that. I think in there somewhere it scans for the files in your video directory and loads them into the database. if you want to see what the database has in it about your videos then connect to mysql and use the following: CONNECT mythconverg; SELECT * FROM videometadata; If you want pretty pictures, plot summaries etc, you then have a bit of work to do. Hint: the system searches for the movie on imdb according to the filename. so it will probably find the right imdb entry if you have a file called incredibles.avi, but it will choke on the.incredibles.xvid.hackersite.dvdrip.avi. You can either rename your files to sensible names, or have another box handy with a web browser so you can manually search imdb.com and get the movie number. eg the incredibles movie page is: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317705/ so the number that mythvideo wants in order to retrieve all the pretty info is 01317705 for further info on how it parses the imdb site find the imdb.pl script that mythvideo installed and take a look. It should be /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/imdb.pl Mythvideo calls the script to find the movie. If it cannot decide from several possibilities it offers a list of possibles, and you choose the right one. Once it has the right one it downloads lovely info and a poster to display on your screen for that movie. If it cannot find any possibilities it asks you for the imdb number. heres a screenie that explains itt better than me: http://mythtv.sourceforge.net/mc/mythvideo3.png [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/imdb.pl --help /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/imdb.pl version [unknown] calling Getopt::St d::getopts (version 1.05 [paranoid]), running under Perl version 5.8.5. Usage: imdb.pl [-OPTIONS [-MORE_OPTIONS]] [--] [PROGRAM_ARG1 ...] The following single-character options are accepted: Boolean (without arguments): -o -h -r -d -i -v -D -M -P Options may be merged together. -- stops processing of options. [Now continuing due to backward compatibility and excessive paranoia. See ``perldoc Getopt::Std'' about $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION.] IMDB Query (v1.2) by Tim Harvey, Andrei Rjeousski Performs queries using the www.imdb.com website. usage: /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/imdb.pl -hdrviMPD [parameters] -h help -d debug -r dump raw query result data only -v display version -i display info -M [options] <query> get movie list some known options are: type=[fuzy] looser search from_year=[int] limit matches to year to_year=[int] limit matches to year sort=[smart] ?? tv=[no|both|only] limits between tv and movies Note: multiple options must be separated by ';' -P <movieid> get movie poster -D <movieid> get movie data > > -- > gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list -- Nick Rout -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list