> > Try to adjust those variables:
> >
> > HISTFILE=/home/your_account/.bash_history
> > HISTSIZE=500
> I had to run the above from root and sure enough, they
> were written into my home dir .bash_history, along
> with the exit command to get back to user-space. So I
> ran a series of ls's just to check but they don't
> appear.
> So what now?

The environment variables only apply to the scope that they were set in.
When you set them as root they only applied to the root session; exiting
back to user space removed them.

You want to delete the current .bash_history file as it is probably only
writable by root.

Then set the same environment variables in your current shell and they
should stick.

When they work add them to your .bashrc file.

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