What I do to get the media buttons of my crappy Logithec keyboard to work is 
select one of the options that are a Logithec keyboard for the configuration 
of X (instead of us or us_intl). An easy way to do that is launch Kcontrol 
and play whith its settings untill you get it to work. Then pass those 
settings to X, spocially if you don't use KDE.
In your case, if your keyboard is not listed, search for other media keyboards 
and try them, if they don't, what you have to do is what I used to do long 
ago: use xev to see what keycodes are sent by the keyboard and map them to 
F13, F14, F15. etc. Then configure your applications to de something when 
those keys are pressed. I recomend you to search for this on the internot, 
there's a lot of information that helped me solve the problem years ago.
In the case the keys doesn't sent any codes (as shown by xev), those keys are 
not part of the keyborad and I imagine the are going to be very hard to get 
them to work.
Whatever happens I recomend you to send a message to Toshiba asking to improve 
this situation: Making the maps for their keyboards to someone familiar whit 
map making and submiting it to Xorg and XFree86 could take a day. To me, it'd 
take a week at most. I think a company like Toshiba has enough man-power to 
waste a week of one person and it'd would make Linux users much more happy 
(companies don't get that what makes Linux users happy is not a penguin on 
the box and the label: "Linux compatible" but the fact that it works without 
Personally I've sent several messages to the people at Logitech, I used to be 
a loyal costumer. I told them tha the lattest keyboards weren't mapped 
rightly on X, and I asked them to solve the situation, I recomended them 
three possible solutions:
- Get someone involved in the develpment of X to do it, which would have taken 
some days of searching and a day of working.
- Get someone on the company to learn how to do the mappings and do it. 
Probably a week and a half of work (I supouse Logitech has some brigth 
- Or pay me to do it, I've done the first quarter of the job and I would 
finish it in a week or so.
They answers was, more or less: "Get lost".
My answer is that I won't ever buy a Logitech product and I encourage 
everybody to do the same.
Hope it helps.

On Friday 01 July 2005 18:42, ��Omega21�� wrote:
> Hi there.
> I have a Toshiba A70 here, and it has some nice
> media buttons on the left, and I really want them to
> work on Linux. I have tried a lot. I have tried xev
> with no success, and emerged linEAK and it wasn't able
> to detect
> them. I still have Windows XP on the computer. Oh, and
> DMESG also does not detect them. Do you guys have any
> ideas? I am willing to donate some time to get these
> things to work. Im not much of a coder, but if there
> is any other way for me to help get these things to
> work, I would love to help.
> Ian
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