
I've tried every search permutation I can think of without luck so am
hoping someone here might have a good reference.

I'm working on a java app where I'd like to be able to accept Thunderbird
attachments as XDnD drops.  Thunderbird attachments are dropped as x-moz-url
mime types that are encoded in UTF-16LE.  This gives a mailbox URL like:

  "mailbox:////home/royw/.thunderbird/i3kr.default/Mail/Local%20Folders/?" +
  "number=11205121&part=1.3&type=application/x-zip-compressed" +

This is where I'm stuck.  My first thought was, this is mail, use JavaMail.
OK, but I can't find a "mailbox://" provider.  Second thought, does the
natively support the protocol?  Konquerer - no.  Firefox - no.  Third
can I just drop to KDE desktop?  Yes.  So it is doable.

Any ideas?  Pointers to code, specs, anything?

BTW, java 5 added XDnD support.

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