Holly Bostick wrote: >� schreef: > > >>Hi there, >>I have just emerged nwn and copied the files needed >>from my windows partition. However when I run nwn, >>i get the following error: >> >># /opt/nwn/nwn >>Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute >>Deployed) >> >> >>How do I fix this? >>Here are the computer's specs: >>Kernel 2.6.12-mm1 // P4 3.2 gHz // Ati Mobility Radeon >>9000 // 512 MB RAM // Using KDE 3.4.1 right now. >> >>Thanks!! >> >> >> > >NWN can be a bit touchy when it comes to SDL-- that's why it comes with >its own (1.2.5). The ATI drivers are also a bit touchy-- and since I use >fglrx and play NWN, I've had a lot of dealings with tweaking it so it >bloody runs.... although usually it's fine, quite often something isn't. > >**DISCLAIMER** All that follows is 1) IME (since I am not a programmer, >I just try to tie my experience into some kind of framework that makes >logical sense, rather than that I *know* what's actually happening) and >2) from memory, as I just borked my skeleton NWN setup (it ran, and >nwmovies ran as well, but it was only a skeleton install because I had >not installed any of the expansions, haks, or custom content that would >constitute a full and complete install on my parcticular system, and I >hadn't spent any time playing it since it was just a skeleton install). > >Also, probably some of this stuff is more required to get nwmovies >running rather than nwn itself, but since I find the loss of the movies >ingame rather painful, I consider it part of my default install (i.e. >nwn is not really working if nwmovies doesn't work, even though I can >play it). I also refer only to getting the OC (and expansions) running >single-player, as I don't play online, and know nothing about managing >or connecting to a server, PW, or any of that.**END DISCLAIMER** > >Anyway having disclaimed... afaics, NWN doesn't come with *all* of SDL, >just the main package. You have to have the rest (at least sdl_mixer and >sdl_image, I think; possibly more, like sdl_ttf) yourself, and the >versions you have may conflict with the main SDL library that Bioware >provides (after 1.2.6, things got really dicey with getting SDL working >properly on NWN without some manual modification). > >Was that the whole error message, btw? IIrc, if the problem is actually >an SDL conflict, you get more message that mentions the SDL component >that failed to start properly. > >OK, possible solutions... > >You can try going to the nwn/lib folder and renaming the *symlink* to >the bioware SDL package > >libSDL-1.2.so.0 > >to something else (I use libSDL-1.2.so.bioware), > >and then creating a new link with the original name, but link it to your >actual SDL library in /usr/lib (or copy the link that's already in >/usr/lib to nwn/lib). However, before you do this, you might want to >re-emerge libSDL as follows: > >FEATURES="nostrip" emerge -av (or whatever switches you might want) libSDL > >Apparently the common practice of stripping binaries is not something >that makes NWN happy. > >The benefits of this are: > >1) You don't have to edit /nwn/nwn , because it still needs to look in >the ./lib folder for the symlink > >2) If you want to go back to the original Bioware-provided SDL, you just >rename both symlinks (yours to libSDL.so.mine and the one now called >libSDL-1.2.so.bioware back to libSDL-1.2.so.0) > >Alternatively, you can also copy your actual libSDL from /usr/lib to >nwn/lib (renaming it libSDL-1.2.so.0 after deleting the symlink already >present); I've had that work for me as well (but not so much with 1.2.7). > >Or, of course you can edit /nwn/nwn and remove ./lib from the >LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as mentioned in the script itself: > ># If you do not wish to use the SDL library included in the package, remove ># ./lib from LD_LIBRARY_PATH >export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:./miles:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH > >.. after which, the game will use your installed SDL rather than its own. > > The above option was the road I took. Here is the newly modified line in /opt/nwn/nwn: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./miles:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I removed "./lib" from the line. I should also replace LD_LIBRARY_PATH with /usr/lib right? This is how I left it though, as you see above. I got this error when running /opt/nwn/nwn however: Fatal Signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed) >The only problem with all this is that if you want to use nwmovies (in >order to play the movies in-game, which otherwise is not possible), >neither the Bioware SDL nor the Gentoo seems to work (at least the >Bioware doesn't seem to work anymore-- it used to, but I think that now >it's too old in comparison to the current SDL functionality), and you >have to compile SDL yourself, using the instructions at > >http://home.woh.rr.com/nwmovies/nwmovies/nwmovies.README.txt > >(main site is http://home.woh.rr.com/nwmovies/nwmovies/ ; they have >other utilities for NWN as well as instructions on how to get the >toolset working-- although on that subject, I will say that it worked >fine with regular Wine once the relevant .exe files were extracted and >the specified registry entries were imported, and compiling the old >version of WineX turned out to be a waste of time for me) > >and in > >nwmovies.README.softmix.txt (in the tarball; these were the instructions >I used, and the only way it all worked properly). > >It's not hard (thank heavens), and the movies thus worked fine for me >(using the native BinkPlayer that I had emerged, so that I don't have to >convert the movies) before I (probably) borked my NWN install due to a >stupid error on my part. So now I will likely reinstall the whole thing >again, but it *was* working well before I (probably) messed it up (I'm a >bit afraid to test, honestly, plus busy trying to straighten out other >stuff). > >In any case, in addition to the links previously provided links, you >might also check out Bioware's forums for the NWN Linux client, where >(truly unsurprisingly), there are a lot of threads on this if you do a >search. You have to register your NWN with Bioware to be able to post, >but you can read the forums without having to do so: > >http://nwn.bioware.com/forums/search_results.html?keywords=SDL+parachute&start=978332400&end=1120283999&author=&dev=&sort=date&search_for=any&where=subject&forum=72&type=n&limit=100 > >I would also suggest that you confirm your 3D hardware acceleration is >in fact running (is fglrx or MESA running, and do you have direct >rendering support). > >Hope this helps, >Holly > > It's a great start! Thanks for your time, Holly!!!
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