Hello all,

I am getting quite sick of my self and NFS. I´ve read many posts at 
forums.gentoo.org, I´ve googled, I´ve tested and tested and tested... No help 
could be found.

The problem is not unique as it seems.  I have an r/w speed against the 
NFS-server going from ~200kb/sec to 2mb/sec. I can´t predict or find a cause 
for the strange speed changes. 

I have three computers set up:

Aquarius is my main work station (AMD XP 3200+, 1 gig ram)
Leo is my file server (AMD 1700+, 630 meg ram)
Aries is for TV-out (AMD 1700+, 512 meg ram)

All connected via a switched 100mbit network. All have 100mbit NICs.

Netperf is telling me this:
aquarius hermes # netperf -H leo
Recv   Send    Send
Socket Socket  Message  Elapsed
Size   Size    Size     Time     Throughput
bytes  bytes   bytes    secs.    10^6bits/sec

 87380  16384  16384    10.00      89.61

And when I do the same from/to all others the results are quite the same. So, 
no problem with the network.

Next up NFS. 

I have now tried so many different combinations at my /etc/fstab that I don´t 
know what is up and down: It currently looks like this:

aquarius hermes # cat /etc/fstab | grep nfs

leo:/home/files /home/hermes/philez nfs  

I´ve tried rsize and wsize from 1024 up to 32768 (1 through 32 * 1024).  I´ve 
tried it in combination with sync and async. Here I find async working best. 

The file server (Leo) has a 120 gig HD with DMA enabled:

leo linux # hdparm -t /dev/hdc

 Timing buffered disk reads:   88 MB in  3.02 seconds =  29.15 MB/sec

So there should not be a I/O related problem either. 

I also run Samba on it, and when I am in Windows, filetransfers are as 
expected on 100mbit network (haven´t even mesured them as they work fine). 

Can anyone please give me any hints or advices on how to proceed with this 

Best regards,
Andreas Karlsson

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