On 6/16/05, Rumen Yotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe a better way is to emerge hard-masked "gentoolkit-0.2.1_pre3"
> (cause it's only tested on x86).
> In it there is a new version on 'revdep-rebuild' which allows you to
> mask certain dirs, by using (mine):
> ...
> SEARCH_DIRS_MASK="/home /mnt /opt/sun-jdk /opt/vmware/lib /opt/OpenOffice"
> ...
> For more info search for 'revdep-rebuild' on Bugzilla. There one with a
> new version (attached)
> Think it is the same? version of revdep-rebuild as in the hard-masked
> gentoolkit.
> HTH. Rumen
> Wade Brown wrote:
> >Liar!  Well, we forgive you, I think =).
> >
> >Actually the better (Gentoo suggested) way to squelch these packages
> >is to exclude /opt from the search path in the revdep-rebuild script.
> >Just do EDITOR `which revdep-rebuild` and take /opt out of the
> >SEARCH_DIRS, most anything that goes in there should be a binary
> >release, but sadly not every binary package ends up in there
> >(azureus-bin comes to mind).
> >

But we agree that this just squelches the messages, correct? It's not
making the system's linkages more correct. It's just saying we don't
care about that directory. I think that's fine for binary packages but
it's not the same as having all the dependencies correct.

It would be nice, I would think, to have some info somewhere on how
the binary package was built - what flags, what gcc, etc., if only for


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