Colin schreef:

>>>On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Colin wrote:
>>>>default 0
>>>>timeout 10
>>>>title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.11-r9
>>>>root (hd0,0)
>>>>kernel=/kernel-2.6.11-gentoo-r9 root=/dev/hde3
>>>>video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap vga=0x31B
>>>Shouldn't that be:
>>>kernel /kernel-2.6.11-gentoo-r9 root=/dev/hde3 video=vesafb:mtrr,ywrap
>>Good catch!  Yes, fix this first.  Also, there is no '=' for the title.
> The handbook shows an equal sign.  It's worked before on another system.

No, it does not:

Code Listing 3: grub.conf for non-genkernel users

# Which listing to boot as default. 0 is the first, 1 the second etc.
default 0
# How many seconds to wait before the default listing is booted.
timeout 30
# Nice, fat splash-image to spice things up :)
# Comment out if you don't have a graphics card installed

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.11-r3
# Partition where the kernel image (or operating system) is located
root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.11-gentoo-r3 root=/dev/hda3

# The next four lines are only if you dualboot with a Windows system.
# In this case, Windows is hosted on /dev/hda6.
title=Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,5)
chainloader +1

Code Listing 4: grub.conf for genkernel users

default 0
timeout 30

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.11-r3
root (hd0,0)
kernel /kernel-2.6.11-gentoo-r3 root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc
ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/hda3 udev
initrd /initrd-2.6.11-gentoo-r3

# Only in case you want to dual-boot
title=Windows XP
root (hd0,5)
chainloader +1

Perhaps you're thinking of the LiLO config:

Code Listing 11: Example /etc/lilo.conf

boot=/dev/hda             # Install LILO in the MBR
prompt                    # Give the user the chance to select another
timeout=50                # Wait 5 (five) seconds before booting the
default section
default=gentoo            # When the timeout has passed, boot the
"gentoo" section

# For non-genkernel users
  label=gentoo            # Name we give to this section
  read-only               # Start with a read-only root. Do not alter!
  root=/dev/hda3          # Location of the root filesystem

# For genkernel users
  append="init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/hda3 udev"

# The next two lines are only if you dualboot with a Windows system.
# In this case, Windows is hosted on /dev/hda6.

GRUB does not take an equal sign in that position, but Istr that Lilo does.

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