At 12:01 AM 6/6/2005, Heinz Sporn wrote:
Aside your zynic 'advice': what the heck is your problem with grub?
Emerged it over and over again - never had troubles with it. If your
$million advice is supposed to help anybody on this list a little more
info about your issues with grub would be nice.
Am Samstag, den 04.06.2005, 20:46 -0700 schrieb rob3:
> My $million advice. Go to, and just download the Grub
> source and compile it. Just make a note somewhere on your copy of the
> Gentoo manual (you did print it out didn't you? haha) that grub is
> not in the emerge system.
> Problem solved. Once you know where all of grub resides (locate grub
> | less) in Gentoo (slocate -u & as su beforehand), you can easily get
> rid of it when Gentoo finally gets its acto together and concocts a
> decent ebuild.
> Sincerely,
> Rob.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Heinz Sporn
SPORN it-freelancing
Mobile: ++43 (0)699 / 127 827 07
Snail: Steyrer Str. 20
A-4540 Bad Hall
Austria / Europe
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Hi Heinz,
I don't have any issues with Grub. I use it exclusively. I was just
replying to some people that did have issues with ebuilds of Grub. I am
sorry for the confusion.
Sincerely, Rob.
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