Michael W. Holdeman schreef:
> On Sunday 05 June 2005 10:39 pm, Robert G. Hays wrote:
>>[digest-mode reply]
>><... my PC is next to my boyfriend's. ...>
>>Holly, do you have any idea how many hearts (just about including mine,
>>at this point!)  you just broke with that statement?
>><big grin>
> Ya here too, (but my wife is ok with it!)   :)


I would feel bad for you guys, but you lost in a fair fight, even if you
don't know it. I met Jorden via a user-to-user hardware help forum (!)
on the Internet (!!) and we formed a relationship while 3,643 miles
(5,864 km) apart (!!!).

So while you two get extra points for compliments (thank you :-D ), he
wins on speed (quick to appreciate my general coolness :rolleyes: ),
boldness (in daring to make his play), flat-out courage (he staked his
life savings to sponsor me as promised when I moved house to the
Netherlands from NYC), and stick-to-it-iveness (he hasn't thrown me out
yet :-) ).

However, despite my widely-acknowledged near-perfection :lol: , I am
more than willing to play upon your fragile emotional states after this
crushing blow :-) to pitch for work if anybody has got some. Work for
money would be (extremely) nice, but I'll take credits on a project that
would look good on a CV. Read on if you want to know more; otherwise,
feel free to delete this completely OT mail right now :-) .

------ PITCH FOLLOWS-----------

By avocation, I'm a writer. This you may have guessed. For 'fun', I
write screenplays, but my 'working' day is spent on how-tos and
mini-manuals on forums and mailing lists like this one, as well as my
own side projects, most of which are ultimately designed to help me
write better how-tos and mini-manuals (though a couple of them are
designed to help me write better screenplays). I have been published (by
a now-defunct magazine, but I still have the original issues in which my
work appeared), and I can demonstrably write to spec and on deadline.
For examples of my style, one can of course look in the archives here,
or Google for 'motub' (the nick is the brand :-) ), but the best places
to look would be LQF, the forums of the Player's Resource Consortium at
nwnprc.netforums.co.uk/ , and a hosted piece at
www.shell-shocked.org/article.php?id=230 .

Unfortunately, the Linux Format forums (where I spent a lot of time
before I forced myself to cut back) recently upgraded (which was not by
any means the unfortunate part :-D ), and all of the previous post data
was lost. So all the 'good stuff' I had there is no longer publically

By trade, I do Customer Service. I worked for over 10 years in CS in
various fields: the CBS television network, a film distribution company,
a temporary employment agency (by the name of Personnel Express; if you
happen to live in NYC and want to call them, or if you work out of the
agency and drop by, tell Stephanie, Paula, Nadine, and Randi--and Gwen
if she's still there-- hi for me). I've also done 'undocumented' work in
real-estate sales, retail sales, cable television production,
telemarketing, and worked as a paralegal in my 18 years of work experience.

Most of my CS work was also finance-related-- calculating how much
people were getting paid, or how much they were paying us, and
explaining to them why the amount was what it was (and making them like
it, or at least accept it gracefully). This is probably how I developed
the the extreme patience that people on this and other lists have
noticed and commented on. Unfortunately, good CS requires exceptional
communication skills, and while I am generally considered to speak very
good Dutch (I read better than I speak, but probably speak better than I
write) for someone who's been here only (now) 5 years, it's just not
good enough to do what I do, in the view of employers.

In fact, it's not good enough in my own view, either-- because
apparently I not only "do" Customer Service, but I "am" Customer Service
(in the same sense that I "am" a writer). I find that I treat helping
people on forums and mailing lists as if it was my work, and hold my
performance to the standards of gainful employment in the Customer
Service field. Which says a lot about what makes me tick vocationally,
but can be seen as a bit excessive, for no money :-) .

That's both a strength and a weakness of mine; I can get somewhat too
focused when I have a project on the table (and my definition of what
constitutes "a project" can be a bit loose). I'm also very stubbornly
independent of mind; I tend to unintentionally but inescapably perform
required tasks (correctly, but) by way of my own methodology, which is
not appropriate to the stricter traditional corporate atmospheres. I've
been told by my supervisor in such a corporation that I'm "too
creative", which I must concede was an accurate summation. Another boss
told me that I "had balls", which statement I took as a compliment
(despite the fact that she was firing me at the time she said it), and
which lives on as my very own personal slogan:

"I have balls. They're metaphorical, but they're mine."

I have other valuable traits and skills to go along with them, too:

- I am bilingual (Dutch and English);

- I have a decent amount of intermediate technical knowledge about
computers (also bilingual, though my Nederlands computer vaktaal is not
yet as strong as my English technical vocabulary);

- I have the intelligence to gain more knowledge in the field, and the
drive to do so without guidance if guidance is not available;

- I have excellent verbal and written communication skills (in English,
moderate in Dutch);

 - I am charming (people generally notice me in a group even when I am
not aware of them; people generally actively enjoy interacting with me;
I can provide unpleasant/difficult/unpalatable information in an
acceptable/non-offensive way; I can maintain cordial relations with
people that I personally do not like without them being aware of my

 - I am organized enough to work unsupervised and produce the desired
result on time;

 - I am astute enough to assess and recognize when I need supervision or
active guidance and request it;

 - I am honest, responsible and moral-- I have both convictions and the
courage of my convictions;

 - I am daring but not foolhardy. I take calculated risks based on my
standards of risk assessment, but avoid wild gambles;

 - I have a unique and creative perspective due to having had one foot
on each side of the fence in nearly every aspect of life, for all of my

 - I work until the job is done (or reaches a stable point where I can
safely break temporarily);

 - I have a desire to help people.

There are many categories under the umbrella of Customer Service to
which I would be well-suited and where I woud be happy to be to
participate and contribute. Computers in general and Linux in particular
are my obvious strength and preference, but I'd never limit the
creativity generated by intelligent minds commingling by saying that was
all that was possible.

Surely *somebody* has or knows of some capacity in which I might be
useful to their project or enterprise.

Write me off-list if you've got a lead, a project, or idea, Dutch or
English. Thanks for listening.


----------- PITCH ENDS ---------

P.S. To the rest of the list, thank you for your patience. For what it's
worth, writing this all out like this has been a step forward in
clarifying my goals, so your inconvienience has not been in vain.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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