Hey everyone. Please note that this post is OFF TOPIC! With that said: I found this on GNOME-LOOK.org and thought you all may be interested.
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=25009&forummode=0&forumpage=0&forumexplevel=3 Its basically a new DE under development. The author wants a lot of ideas. I personally have emailed and posted a few to him. What are your thoughts? And out of my curiousity, what do you think of that idea I had, to make it extremely similar to Windows Longhorn or better, Mac OS? IMHO Longhorn and OSX look very nice, and sadly with the exception of baghira and kxdocker there aren't very many ways to create an apple look, much less a Longhorn clone. Do you agree? Cheers, Ian
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